Sunday, December 14, 2014

I have been married for fifteen years. I am starting to understand why people who have been married so long split apart. It seems some days my husband and I are on different thoughts, wave lengths, maybe even planets. Still, after raising two children together and going through a scary cancer bout I can't imagine my life without him. Though some days he drives me crazy!

Sometimes I wish he would just do something out of the blue for me, instead of me always asking. And why do I have to ask to put in towels when he can see the basket is full? Now grant it if I ask it gets done, but once just once I would like not to ask.

I come from a split family. Both my parents are divorced and remarried. His parents have been married forever, well not forever but a long time.

I forgive easily, he holds grudges.

He loves trains, I love writing. Maybe I should write about trains?

Still, though he makes me laugh and when he hugs me which he does often I can't help but smile.

When I look in my sons eyes and see my husbands face and mine in there too, I can't help but feel blessed.

So I hope it will be another fifteen years and more days of give and take though it would be nice if he stopped throwing his flannels on the bed!

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